Moles and other skin formations

This group includes: pigmented moles, papillomas, angiomas, keratoses and other skin formations. We have some of them from birth, others appear or disappear in the course of our life.

Which moles need to be examined without delay?

A specialist should be immediately consulted if the patient has noticed a change in the shape, size or color of a mole, if the mole bleeds, itches or becomes incrusted.

Solution of this problem:

Diagnosis based on spectrophotometric intracutaneous analysis (SIA-scopy).

Removal using a CO2 laser or by surgery.

The method of removal should be chosen after consultation with a doctor. In some cases, a dermatology consultation or histological analysis may be required.


Melasma is a local hyperpigmentation which develops under the influence of the sun or hormones, very often it appears after the use of hormonal contraceptives. Hormones and sunlight stimulate the growth of melanocytes (pigment cells). In most cases, it is localized on the face.

Solution of this problem:

Bleaching agents and/or Fractional CO2 laser.

The point source impact and ultra-high-power of laser radiation, as well as the short-pulse technologies make it possible to apply UltraPulse carbon dioxide laser beam to perform the ablation with a depth of 4 mm, and this is four times deeper than any other CO2-laser.


Skin pigmentation is influenced by melanocytes – the colouring pigment cells. An increase or a reduction in the production of melanin, as well as its improper distribution results in pigmentation disorders.

Solution of this problem:

Laser correction.​

Unlike some other types of treatment of excessive pigmentation, skin damage caused by a laser is minimal. Post-treatment swelling goes away within 30-40 minutes.​

This treatment is highly effective. Sometimes only 2-3 sessions are enough to completely eliminate hyperpigmentation. The skin will look much healthier and more youthful than before the treatments.

Scars, acne scars, keloid scars, burn scars

Skin pigmentation is influenced by melanocytes – the colouring pigment cells. An increase or a reduction in the production of melanin, as well as its improper distribution results in pigmentation disorders.


Solution of the problem:

Laser correction.

The skin rejuvenates faster stimulating fresh young skin cells promoting new collagen growth, and the collagen remodels for a smoother clearer even skin texture. It simply means that your skin will rejuvenate quickly, simulating new cells which match your natural skin tone – all in a way which should leave your scar virtually invisible.

And best of all the results are permanent!

Striae/Stretch marks

Stretch marks, also known as striae, are a form of scarring on the skin with an off-color hue. Over time they may diminish, but will not disappear completely. Stretch marks form during pregnancy, usually during the last trimester, and usually on the belly, but also commonly occurring on the breasts, thighs, hips, lower back and buttocks, are known as striae gravidarum.

Solution of the problem:

Laser therapy can’t completely remove stretch marks, but it may help fade them and make them less noticeable. Several different types of laser therapy are used to treat stretch marks.

Pulsed dye laser treatment is one type of laser treatment available. It’s painless and can be used at an early stage, while your stretch marks are still red or purple.

The energy from the laser is absorbed by the blood vessels underneath your stretch marks. The blood vessels collapse and the red or purple colour either disappears completely or turns white.​

And best of all the results are permanent!

Laser treatment of problem skin (dry or damaged skin, enlarged pores, acne)

The basic principle is that the laser beam passes through the skin for 0.4 cm – to the main level of oil glands, which are the main focus in treatment of acne. Reaching the skin, the laser creates a thermal effect (the patient may feel a slight tingling of the skin), then it partly destroys the cells laying the ducts of oil glands (sebocytes).

During the treatment course the laser makes it possible to get a skin remodeling effect. Skin pores become narrow, skin texture is smoothed, skin pigmentation disappears, scars are removed and their further formation is prevented. The skin color is even and healthy.

Contraindications which do not allow performing laser therapy:

  • pregnancy;

  • diabetes (insulin-dependent type);

  • oncological diseases of the skin​.

Ageing, folds and wrinkles, flabby neck, wrinkled hands

Visible signs of skin photoageing are usually limited to the epidermis and upper dermis (100-300 microns) and present the structural changes, formation of fine and deep wrinkles and changes in pigmentation. To improve the elasticity of the loose skin, it is required to treat the area below the epidermis and upper dermis layer (i.e., at a depth of 500 microns)

Solution of this problem:

Laser resurfacing, peeling, injections of hyaluronic acid.

Laser rejuvenation system is an effective type of treatment of flabbiness and various manifestations of skin photoageing. Treatment acceptability is good. After the treatment, the skin may become red and remain in this state for up to 24 hours. The patients can use Vaseline based makeup and return to their normal activities immediately after the session.

Injections of hyaluronic acid are administered intramuscularly, intradermally or subcutaneously, depending on the individual circumstances. Once injected, the acid fills all the hollows and effectively retains fluid. Furthermore, it does not allow the fluid to evaporate, protecting deep layers of the skin from dehydration.


  • Dry, older skin

  • Dehydrated skin of any etiology

  • Reduced skin turgor and elasticity

  • Photoageing, stresses, smoking


Emotional people who are prone to express their emotions with the help of facial expressions (they close their eyes partly, wrinkle the forehead, frown the brows) may have mimic wrinkles from a very young age. Generally, mimic wrinkles appear in areas of active contraction of the facial muscles: in the corners of the eyes, between the eyebrows on the nose, in the nasolabial folds, on the forehead.
Botulinotherapy is a non-surgical way to get rid of the signs of aging by relaxing the muscles and disabling their ability to contract. As a result of such changes, deep lines and wrinkles are eliminated. Correction is not due to the restoration of the lost volume, but to the temporary blockage of transmission of a nerve impulse to overactive muscles, the reduction of which is the cause of the wrinkle formation. If a wrinkle has already developed a “bottom”, and it is noticeable even at rest, it is necessary to fill the wrinkle with hyaluronic acid filler.

Solution of the problem:

Injections of botulinum toxin (DYSPORT, BOTOX, XEOMIN), hyaluronic acid fillers (Belotero, Juvederm, Stylage).

Hands skin aging

Our hands may often reveal our age: thinning and dryness of their skin, wrinkled mesh and veins are difficult not to notice. Although we are used to take good care of the skin of our face and neck while applying many efforts to keep them young and fresh for a longer period of time, our hands often stand on the sidelines. Timely measures make it possible to preserve the youthful look of your hands and make them gentle and well-groomed for a longer period of time.

Solution of the problem:

Methods used for the rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté zone are also perfect for the rejuvenation of the hands skin. They include biorevitalization, chemical peeling, mesotherapy, laser rejuvenation, as well as a combination of methods, specially selected by a specialist.

Thin lips (lip augmentation procedure based on hyaluronic acid)

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component that is present in almost all human tissues and performs several important functions in the body: distribution and transmission of fluid in the tissues. If we skip the medical terminology, we can call this substance “intelligent”, as it transports water directly to those areas of the body which need it most. Water-saturated tissues resist to compression, thus preventing the formation of mechanical wrinkles on the skin surface. Fibroblasts (special cells of the connective tissue) contribute to the production of hyaluronic acid in the body.

Hyaluronic acid helps the lips to be tenderer and protects them from wrinkling, dryness. And, thanks to the acid, the lips skin becomes more elastic.


The acid may not be injected in the lips in case of oral herpes. It is ironic, but many patients (after the treatment) get herpes.

Gravitational ptosis

The word “ptosis” in Greek means “drooping”. The most common reason the women and even men resort to aesthetic medicine is gravitational ptosis of the face, which is one of the particular manifestations of biological aging of the whole organism.

It is the drooping of soft tissues under the influence of gravitational forces (gravity), which leads to a change in the oval and size of the face, deformation of its contours.

Solution of the problem:
Laser resurfacing with a fractional CO2 laser, hyaluronic acid fillers, volume replenishment with Radiesse preparations, PRP therapy.

Skin dryness

Often, skin dryness and dehydration, due to improper care, cause its premature aging. Skin rejuvenation with intradermal injections of unmodified hyaluronic acid is an excellent way to slow the aging process of the skin.

Result of the procedure:

•    Intensive long-term moistening of dry and dehydrated skin.

•    Lifting of older skin.

•    Prevention of wrinkles and skin folds, as well as their correction.

It can also be used in preparation for medium and deep chemical peeling, various variants of laser treatment and plastic surgery, in order to maximize the results of the above treatment variants and to shorten the recovery period. It is also possible to apply it as an additional method of mesotherapy.

Solution of the problem:

Biorevitalization (the following medications are used: BELOTERO Hydro, Juvéderm HYDRATE™, Stylage Hydro and StylageHydroMAX).

Bruising and swelling under the eyes

Such a problem as bruising under the eyes occurs quite often and can be caused by many reasons, including health problems. That’s why, in some cases bruising under the eyes should be the reason to contact the doctor.

Also bruising under the eyes may be caused by unhealthy lifestyle, and most often by genetic heredity. Since the skin around the eyes is very thin and has a lot of capillaries, the problems of microcirculation in this area become especially noticeable.

Solution of the problem:

Mesotherapy (for example, Platinum Collection Light Eyes Ultra cocktail).

Loss of facialvolume

Loss of facial volume is not always associated with aging, it can also be a consequence of congenital anatomical features of the facial skeleton. Also, age-related atrophic processes in the subcutaneous fat layer, weight loss or even tooth extraction can lead to the formation of flat cheeks.

To eliminate flat cheeks, cavities and wrinkles on the face, the fillers are applied. This additional cosmetic procedure will create the maximum rejuvenating effect, give the desired volume to the cheekbones or correct the defects of the face asymmetry. Modern aesthetic medicine often involves the use of fillers for non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose, chin and cheekbones.

Solution of the problem:

Contour plastics with hyaluronic acid fillers, filler with Radiesse calcium hydroxyapatite.

Nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds can appear at a young age. Their appearance depends on many factors, such as anatomical features of the face, degree and nature of mimic activity, facial skin care.

Nasolabial folds may often appear not only due to excessive facial expressions, but also due to anatomical features of the face, drooping of the upper part of the face can pull the edges of lips down. If you have nasolabial folds, and cosmetic massage, gymnastics and cosmetics are no longer effective, you should think about filling nasolabial wrinkles with fillers. Furthermore, the fight against this unpleasant problem involves the application of such a solution as the method of vector lifting (using soft cannulas when administering the medication).

Solution of the problem:

Hyaluronic acid fillers, Radiesse, vector lifting, peeling, PRP therapy.

Hair loss

Hair loss can be caused by various diseases, hormone imbalance, head trauma or head skin damage, stress or administration of certain medications

In many cases the hair will grow again if you eliminate the cause of the loss. Ideally, the cause of this problem should be checked by a specialist, in particular, a consultation of the trichologist is required, and the treatment prescribed by him does not bring immediate results. One of the effective methods of strengthening and stimulating hair bulbs is the injection of special substances into the scalp. This is either mesotherapy with a special vitamin cocktail, or plasmotherapy using the patient’s own plasma.

Application of these techniques is accompanied by the most positive feedback for various types of hair loss: diffuse alopecia, androgenic alopecia and even seborrhea.

Use of the patient’s blood plasma excludes the occurrence of allergies and other negative side effects.

Solution of the problem:

Mesotherapy (for example Platinum Coctail Hair Plus Revitalizing cocktail) or plasmotherapy (PRP).

Excessive hair

Laser epilation is one of the fastest and most effective ways to remove unnecessary hair once and for all. With just a few treatments it is possible to get the smooth and soft skin on almost any part of the face and body. While observing all the treatment requirements, it is completely safe and does not any harmful effect to overall health.

A laser beam, passing through the hair stem, heats the cells containing melanin and destroys the hair follicle. The skin is not damaged; it is heated up slightly and cools down quickly.

Laser epilation makes it possible to remove only the hairs which are in an active growth or anagen phase (i.e. those that have grown 3-5 mm long and can be seen on the surface). It should be noted that there are always some “reserved” or dormant hair bulbs which enter the anagen phase after the treatment, so several sessions are required to completely remove unwanted hair​.

Ingrown nail

Ingrown nail (onychocryptosis) – ingrowing of the nail plate into the lateral edge of the nail roller (most often on the large toe and the outer edge). This is a very common disease. In this case, the nail roller turns red and edematous, inflammation begins, causing severe pain. In the future, it may result in the development of a chronic inflammatory process.

If conservative methods of treatment of ingrown nails were unsuccessful, the surgical service may be required. Our fractional laser, which has a laser scalpel function, will make it possible to remove ingrown nails less traumatically for nearby tissues, and healing will be faster. Today, laser treatment of ingrown nails is considered to be the most progressive method for treatment of this defect.

Solution of the problem:

Ultra Pulse fractional CO2 Laser.

Hyperhidrosis: treatment of sweating with preparations of botulinum toxin

Excessive sweating can shake our self-confidence, interfere with communication, career growth and personal life. And in many cases, sweating is not at all a pathological condition, it is just a special property of our sensitive nervous system. Solving this problem by botox injections is not so difficult, if it is not a consequence of infectious, endocrine and other diseases.

Hyperhidrosis is an excessive release of sweat beyond the amount necessary for physiological thermoregulation and homeostasis. The amount of sweat, which should be considered excessive, is not clearly defined and can vary from person to person.

Hyperhidrosis affects physical, psychological and professional aspects of the patient’s daily life. In particular, there is a lack of confidence and a depressed mood.

Hyperhidrosis can be generalized and local (axillary, palmar, plantar and facial). Therapy with preparations of botulinum toxin is mainly focused on primary local hyperhidrosis.

Solution of the problem:

Injections of botulinum toxin of type A.

Application of botulinum toxin preparations is a logical choice of hyperhidrosis treatment method. These preparations block the impulses coming through the nerve fibers from the cerebral cortex to the sweat gland, on the way to the gland itself, which prevents unnecessary stimulation of the nerve responsible for sweating.

On average, the effect of botulinum therapy lasts from 6 to 11 months. Depending on the individual reaction of the body, this period can be extended to one and a half years or be reduced to 4 months. In this case, the larger the amount of the preparation is administered, the longer the result will be.

Pain on injection is minimal, patients tolerate this procedure well.

Application of botulinum toxin preparations has radically changed the treatment of local hyperhidrosis. In comparison with other methods of therapy, botulinum toxin preparations have no equal in terms of effectiveness, convenience of administration and patient satisfaction, as well as good tolerability and the ability to significantly improve the quality of life.


Contraindications are similar to any other botox procedures: myasthenia gravis, inflammation at the injection site, hemophilia, hypersensitivity to the preparation components.