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Visible signs of skin photoageing are usually limited to the epidermis and upper dermis (100-300 microns) and present the structural changes, formation of fine and deep wrinkles and changes in pigmentation. To improve the elasticity of the loose skin, it is required to treat the area below the epidermis and upper dermis layer (i.e., at a depth of 500 microns)
Solution of this problem:
Laser resurfacing, peeling, injections of hyaluronic acid.
Laser rejuvenation system is an effective type of treatment of flabbiness and various manifestations of skin photoageing. Treatment acceptability is good. After the treatment, the skin may become red and remain in this state for up to 24 hours. The patients can use Vaseline based makeup and return to their normal activities immediately after the session.
Injections of hyaluronic acid are administered intramuscularly, intradermally or subcutaneously, depending on the individual circumstances. Once injected, the acid fills all the hollows and effectively retains fluid. Furthermore, it does not allow the fluid to evaporate, protecting deep layers of the skin from dehydration.
- Dry, older skin
- Dehydrated skin of any etiology
- Reduced skin turgor and elasticity
- Photoageing, stresses, smoking